string csvDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/media/"); string CsvFile = "SampleDirectory.csv"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + csvDirectory + ";Extended Properties='text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited'"); OleDbDataAdapter ExcelAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM " + CsvFile, con); con.Open(); ExcelAdapter.Fill(ds); con.Close(); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind();
Read and share knowledge about Asp.Net, SharePoint, JavaScript and other Microsoft Technology.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Read CSV with oledb to dataset - datatable
Resize Image with javascript
function resizeImageByWidth(img,MaxWidth) { try { if (img != null && img.src != "") { img.attributes.removeNamedItem("width"); img.attributes.removeNamedItem("height"); var oW = img.width; var oH = img.height; if (oW > MaxWidth) { var rW = parseFloat(oW) / parseFloat(MaxWidth); img.width = parseInt(oW / rW); img.height = parseInt(oH / rW); } } } catch (ex) { img.width = MaxWidth; } } function resizeImage(img, maxHeight, MaxWidth) { try { if (img != null && img.src != "") { img.attributes.removeNamedItem("width"); img.attributes.removeNamedItem("height"); var oW = img.width; var oH = img.height; if (oW > MaxWidth || oH > maxHeight) { var rW = parseFloat(oW) / parseFloat(MaxWidth); var rH = parseFloat(oH) / parseFloat(maxHeight); var ratio = Math.max(rW, rH); img.width = parseInt(oW / ratio); img.height = parseInt(oH / ratio); } } } catch (ex) { img.height = maxHeight; img.width = MaxWidth; } }To use in the image just add onload event event on image
any size is given automatically removed.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Convert decimal to currency format string
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace CurrnecyDemo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { decimal money = 200m; CurrencyTranslator currencyTranslator = new CurrencyTranslator(); string currency = currencyTranslator.TranslateCurrency(money, "Rupee", "Paisa"); } } public class CurrencyTranslator { // Array of sting to hold the words from one to nineteen private string[] _arrayOfOnes = { string.Empty, "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" }; // Array of string to hold the words of tens - 10, 20,.., 90 private string[] _arrayOfTens = { string.Empty , "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"}; // Converts the decimal to currency public string TranslateCurrency(decimal currencyValue, string dollarString, string centString) { string numericCurrency = currencyValue.ToString().Trim(); //Check for the max capacity limit of the input if (numericCurrency.Length > 18) return "Invalid input format"; string leftValue, decimalWord; //Right align the charecters with padding of "0" to length the of 18 charecters if (numericCurrency.IndexOf(".") >= 0) { leftValue = numericCurrency.Substring(0, numericCurrency.IndexOf(".")).PadLeft(18, Convert.ToChar("0")); decimalWord = numericCurrency.Substring(numericCurrency.IndexOf(".") + 1).PadRight(2, Convert.ToChar("0")); decimalWord = (decimalWord.Length > 2 ? decimalWord.Substring(0, 2) : decimalWord); } else { leftValue = numericCurrency.PadLeft(18, Convert.ToChar("0")); decimalWord = "0"; } string quadrillionWord, trillionWord, billionWord, millionWord, thousandWord, hundredWord; quadrillionWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(0, 3))); // One Quadrillion - Number of zeros 15 trillionWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(3, 3))); // One Trillion - Number of zeros 12 billionWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(6, 3))); // One Billion - Number of zeros 9 millionWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(9, 3))); // One Million - Number of zeros 6 thousandWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(12, 3))); hundredWord = TranslateHundreds(Convert.ToInt32(leftValue.Substring(15, 3))); decimalWord = TranslateDecimal(decimalWord); // Start building the currency StringBuilder currencyInEnglish = new StringBuilder(); currencyInEnglish.Append((quadrillionWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : quadrillionWord + " Quadrillion ")); currencyInEnglish.Append((trillionWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : trillionWord + " Trillion ")); currencyInEnglish.Append((billionWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : billionWord + " Billion ")); currencyInEnglish.Append((millionWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : millionWord + " Million ")); currencyInEnglish.Append((thousandWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : thousandWord + " Thousand ")); currencyInEnglish.Append((hundredWord.Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : hundredWord)); currencyInEnglish.Append(currencyInEnglish.ToString() == string.Empty ? string.Format("Zero {0}s ", dollarString) : string.Format(" {0}s", dollarString)); if (currencyInEnglish.ToString().StartsWith(string.Format("One {0}s", dollarString))) { currencyInEnglish.Replace(string.Format("One {0}s", dollarString), string.Format("One {0}", dollarString)); } currencyInEnglish.Append((decimalWord == string.Empty ? string.Format(" and Zero {0}", centString) : " and " + decimalWord + string.Format(" {0}", centString))); return currencyInEnglish.ToString(); } #region Private Functions private string TranslateHundreds(int value) { string result; // If the value is less than hundred then convert it as tens if (value <= 99) { result = (TranslateTens(value)); } else { result = _arrayOfOnes[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(value / 100)))]; // Math.Floor method is used to get the largest integer from the decial value result += " Hundred "; // The rest of the decimal is converted into tens if (value - Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal((value / 100) * 100)) == 0) { result += string.Empty; } else { result += string.Empty + TranslateTens(Convert.ToInt32(value - Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal((value / 100) * 100)))); } } return result; } private string TranslateTens(int value) { string result; // If the value is less than 20 then get the word directly from the array if (value < 20) { result = _arrayOfOnes[value]; value = 0; } else { result = _arrayOfTens[(int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal(value / 10))]; value -= Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDecimal((value / 10) * 10))); } result = result + (_arrayOfOnes[value].Trim() == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "-" + _arrayOfOnes[value]); return result; } // Translates the decimal part of the currency to words private string TranslateDecimal(string value) { string result = string.Empty; // Check whether the decimal part starts with a zero. Example : 12.05 if (value != "0") { if (value.StartsWith("0")) { result = "Zero "; result += _arrayOfOnes[Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(1, 1))]; } else { result = TranslateTens(Convert.ToInt32(value)); } } return result; } #endregion } }
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